SPOTTED HYAENA – Crocuta crocuta


SIZE: Shoulder height 80 cm, mass (m) 60 kg, (f) 65 kg. COLOUR: Greyish yellow body. Feet and face darker brown, oval shaped dark spots are scattered over the body. POTENTIAL LONGEVITY: 25 years WALKING SPEED: 5 km/ hr RUNNING SPEED: 50 km/ hr GESTATION PERIOD: 3 months MOST LIKE: Brown Hyaena, … Read more

Brown Hyaena Facts

Brown Hyaena Facts

The Brown Hyaena, also known as Hyaena brunnea or strandwolf, is known for having a dirty look. It has a distinct appearance compared to other hyena species, possessing pointed ears and long scruffy coat. They are also known for their unmistakable howl, which sounds like a hysterical human laugh. It has a … Read more