SPOTTED HYAENA – Crocuta crocuta


SIZE: Shoulder height 80 cm, mass (m) 60 kg, (f) 65 kg. COLOUR: Greyish yellow body. Feet and face darker brown, oval shaped dark spots are scattered over the body. POTENTIAL LONGEVITY: 25 years WALKING SPEED: 5 km/ hr RUNNING SPEED: 50 km/ hr GESTATION PERIOD: 3 months MOST LIKE: Brown Hyaena, … Read more

SPOTTED GENET (Large) – Genetta tigrina


SIZE: Length (including tail) 1 m, mass 1,9 kg. COLOUR: The upperparts range from pale grey through yellow to light russet. Along the spine is a dark brown stripe and on either side of it rows of large spots that may be reddish or a much darker rusty brown. The long whitish … Read more

SPOTTED GENET (Small) – Genetta genetta


SIZE: Length (including tail) 1 m, mass 2 kg. COLOUR: Whitish or brownish grey upperparts with a pronounced dark brown spinal stripe, and on either side smallish, dark brown or blackish spots arranged in rows. The tail has about eight dark rings and usually a white tip. The strongly patterned face has … Read more

Spotted Eagle-Owl (Bubo africanus)

Spotted Eagle-Owl

It is a large-grayish brown owl, with erect ear-tufts, and striking yellow eyes, and is the commonest large-owl in its range, thriving in thinly-wooded habitats. It has a finely-spotted lower breast and belly, and known for their distinct, soft, ringing, “whooo-whooo’ call, seemingly sounding like “whooo are you?” Read further to know … Read more

Spotted Dikkop (Burhinus capensis)

Spotted Dikkop

It is a tall, orange-brown, plover-like bird that thrives in drier habitats, avoiding the wetlands. It boasts huge yellow eyes, perfect for its nocturnal lifestyle. During the days, its puzzling plumage, allowing it to hide undercover effectively. Once the dark sets in, it comes outs again preying on insects. This bird is … Read more