9 Leading Service Dog Facts That You Should Be Aware Of

Service dogs are an invaluable resource for the disabled, and they may significantly improve the quality of life for individuals who depend on them. You should learn as much as you can about service dogs and their functions as dog lovers. We’ll go over some important service dog information in this blog article that you should be aware of. We’ll also offer some pointers on how to speak to a service dog and its handler politely. These details on service dogs, including their history and training methods, can help you learn more about them. So, take a seat, unwind, and continue reading to learn everything there is to know about service dogs.

1. Dogs Have Been Used As Service Animals For Centuries

Dogs have been employed as service animals for many years, with the first known use occurring in classical Greece. Dogs were utilized back then to help the blind and the visually impaired. The usage of dogs as service animals has developed over time and now includes people with a wide range of impairments. It is important to note that service dogs are not the same as therapy dogs or emotional support animals. Service dogs are also regularly assessed to make sure they are up to the task and are highly trained to carry out certain activities. Furthermore, training service dog teams usually take around two years.

2. Service Dogs Must Be Task-Oriented

For a dog to be considered a legitimate service animal, it must be task-oriented. This implies that the dog has to be trained to carry out certain duties that lessen their handler’s impairment. The most typical duties carried out by service animals include:

  • Providing assistance with mobility (e.g., guide dogs for the blind or those with low vision)
  • Retrieving objects (e.g., for individuals who have difficulty reaching things)
  • Alerting handlers to sounds (e.g., for people who are deaf or hard of hearing)
  • Acting as a brace (e.g., for people with balance or mobility issues)
  • Deep pressure therapy (for individuals with anxiety disorders or autism)

These are the most typical jobs that service dogs are taught to perform, however there are more. It’s crucial to remember that not all dogs can be service animals; they need to complete special training in order to be eligible.

3. Service Dogs Are Trained Professionals

Being a service dog is a full-time career that takes commitment and training, just like any other vocation. Before being matched with their humans, service dogs undergo a rigorous socialization and obedience training phase. Each year, they must renew their certification to ensure that they remain qualified. Additionally, you should be prepared to commit to meeting your dog’s demands if you are considering adopting a service dog. Additionally, bear in mind that assistance dogs and emotional support animals have separate functions and obligations.

4. Service Dogs Are Costly

Although the precise price of a service dog varies based on the level of training needed and the particular animal selected, they are not inexpensive. Costs for service dogs can range from $15,000 to $30,000, not considering the price of annual vet visits and other required care. Make sure you do your homework and determine whether you can afford all the charges before deciding to obtain a service dog. Service dog organizations frequently provide fundraising opportunities to assist in covering the expenses.

5. Service Dogs Are Protected by Federal Law

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which was implemented in 1990, grants people with disabilities the right to have their service animals with them in public areas. Service dog handlers are protected by this statute so that they won’t face prejudice. Additionally, it mandates that accommodations be made for service dogs and their owners in public spaces. Furthermore, unless the dog is causing a disturbance or isn’t housebroken, a person with a handicap cannot be ordered to remove their service dog from a public area.

6. Service Dogs Must Be Well-Behaved

A dog has to be well-behaved and properly trained in obedience in order to qualify as a service animal. Service dogs must understand how to behave in various settings to avoid becoming disruptive. Before getting certified, service dogs often need to pass an obedience exam as well as a behavior test. Furthermore, the majority of service dog groups demand that the dogs undergo periodic recertification.

7. You Shouldn’t Ask a Service Dog Handler Personal Questions

Asking a service dog handler whether you may pet their dog is OK, but you shouldn’t inquire about their handicap in a personal way. It’s crucial to keep in mind that service animals are working animals and shouldn’t be bothered while they’re working. If you see a service dog in the open, avoid the desire to inquire about the owner’s health or impairment. Anyone who has a service dog at their side has undoubtedly already endured unwanted questioning regarding their handicap and doesn’t want to do it again. Its good for a dog owner to be a nature lover to help with the training. 

8. Service Dogs Are Trained to Perform Specific Tasks

Service dogs are taught to carry out particular activities that their handlers are unable to carry out on their own. These jobs might range from opening doors and picking up fallen objects to aiding with anxiety episodes and balance issues. Service dogs are working animals whose only goal is to assist their impaired handlers live more independent lives; unlike therapy dogs, they are not taught to be pleasant and loving like other animals. No matter what particular role or tasks they may have, all service dogs must have received top-notch obedience training.

9. Service Dogs Are Working Animals, Not Pets

Service dogs are not regarded as pets because they are working animals. As a result, they are permitted in public areas that do not accept pets, like restaurants, shops, lodging facilities, and airlines. Additionally, it implies that owners of service dogs have a duty to care for their animals and ensure that they are appropriately behaved in public. A service dog’s owner may be asked to remove the animal from the area if it is unruly or seems to be neglected.


The key service dog information that you should be aware of is summarized by the facts listed above. The quality of life for those who rely on service dogs can be greatly improved. They are a priceless resource for the disabled. It’s crucial to gain as much knowledge as you can about service dogs and their roles as responsible dog owner.

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