Poison Alert: 5 Venomous Snakes You May Find in Africa

Snakes are cold-blooded animals that could either be venomous or non-venomous. They do not have any eyelids, and they possess a very flexible jaw that enables them to eat without having to bite their prey. They swallow their prey as a whole, and this way allows them to survive.

Many people are afraid of snakes for various reasons and see them as a threat to their safety since they could be poisonous and give rise to health complications once you’ve been bitten. But they are also important in balancing the exocyst sm because snakes help in maintaining a healthy environment.

In Africa, you can find numerous snakes, making it a true hotspot for diverse kinds of snakes. Thus, it is vital to learn about which snakes are dangerous so that you are ready when you encounter them in any circumstance. Stated here below are some of the venomous snakes you could find in Africa.

Black Mambas

The black mambas are highly aggressive and the longest venomous snake in Africa that could reach up to 14 feet in length. When a black mamba feels threatened, they will raise their heads and hiss at something threatening them. Additionally, the name given to them was derived from the color of the inside of their mouth-which is blue-black. This is only seen when they are intimidated.

Never underestimate the speed of a black mamba as they are the fastest snake globally and are known to be the reason for numerous human deaths. Thus, they have also been termed the world’s deadliest snakes. When you encounter a black mamba, stay calm and do not pick them up or even provoke them. Try to observe it’s behavior and slowly move away.

Egyptian Cobra

Egypt is not the single place where you could find an Egyptian Cobra. It is also seen over a large area in Africa, mostly in North Africa. Additionally, they rank third as the snake with the most toxic venom after the Cape Cobra. Their venom is so potent that it could cause the death of a mature elephant as fast as three hours and fifteen minutes for humans.

Most snakes like the Egyptian Cobra, Taipan, or the Eastern Brown Snake are notorious for entering houses. When you suspect that a snake has entered your home, call a professional to handle it. If you’re living in the suburbs of Brisbane or anywhere nearby, you need to call the best Snake Catcher Brisbane has to offer. With these trained professionals handling snakes, you can be sure that everyone and everything will be safe.


The most venomous rear-fanged snake around the world is located in sub-Saharan Africa, known as the boomslang. It is a tree-dwelling animal, meaning they are mostly seen in the tree or at the peak of the forest. Boomslang loves living in the trees where they look for prey and catch them with their long fangs. Whenever this snake opens its mouth, it could reach 170 degrees to bite its prey.

While casualties caused by this kind of snake are infrequent, its venom is still dangerous, and as a consequence, a person may die of either internal or external bleeding. Once bitten, it should be given proper aid immediately as it could cause hemorrhaging in a person’s body tissues.

Identifying the gender of a boomslang is easier since it is visible. A female boomslang could appear brown, while a male would show up in colors light green with a hint of black highlights.

Saw-scaled Viper

The Saw-scaled Viper is commonly found in the north side of the African Equator. Although they appear small, they could be aggressive. They are irritable, and their venom makes them so dangerous and is believed to have caused most people’s death compared to other snakes. Some people claimed that the venom that this snake possesses could be five times more toxic than an Indian cobra found throughout India.

Cape Cobra

A cape cobra, also called the yellow cobra, has bright colored scales ranging from yellow to purplish shade. Like other kinds of snakes, a cape cobra would tend to flee from humans, but when it feels like it needs self-defense, it will raise its head above the ground and face its enemy. They will spread their ribs and aim for their strike.

They will not spit their venom, but they will transfer it through biting. The venom of a cape cobra is very strong and fast-acting. It is highly deadly and would require immediate medical aid. If not given the right medication right away, death could occur in a span of two to five hours.


Africa is a place where you could find various threatening animals, like crocodiles and, of course, snakes. It is a location where most of the world’s dangerous snakes are found. Thus, learning about them is vital to prevent fatalities due to the transfer of their venom to humans. You may refer to the guide above for relevant information about dangerous snakes in Africa.

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