Coppery-tailed Coucal (Centropus cupreicaudus)

Coppery-tailed Coucal (Centropus cupreicaudus)

It is a large coucal with a huge bill, and a distinct copper-colored tail, where it got its name. Thrives in dense waterside vegetation, such as in swamps, wetlands, vleis, and flooded plains. It is conspicuous in flight due to its massive size. Relatively timid, may occasionally go out in the open. … Read more

White-browed Coucal (Centropus superciliosus)

It is a large, full-bodied, gawky bird from the cuckoo family, with a spotted rump and uppertail tectrices, making it easily recognizable from other coucals. Plus, it has its distinct white eyebrow, where it gots its name. It produces profound, descending “bu-bu-bu bu bu bu” notes, which often falls and rises in … Read more

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