Comparing the African Fish Eagle and the Bald Eagle

Comparing the African Fish Eagle and the Bald Eagle

Eagles are large members of the Accipitridae family of hawks. These massive birds are easily identified by their size and a variety of other characteristics. They have large curved beaks and sharp talons on their feet. These magnificent birds come in a variety of species, with scientists recognizing at least 60 around … Read more

Facts About The African Fish Eagle

The African Fish Eagle, or also known as the African Sea Eagle, is a large bird that is widely found across sub-Saharan Africa, where bodies of water and food sources are abundant. It is considered as the national bird of four African countries, Namibia, Zambia, South Sudan, and Zimbabwe. This bird species … Read more

Giant Eagle Owl

The Giant Eagle Owl, or also known as the Verreaux’s Eagle Owl or the Milky Eagle Owl, is an owl that is endemic to sub-Saharan Africa. It is a member of the Strigidae family, together with Tawny Owl, Forest Owlet, Eastern Screech Owl, and White-faced Owl. Its alternative name (Verreaux’s Eagle Owl) … Read more

Tawny Eagle (Aquila rapax)

It is a medium-large eagle that occurs in different colors, ranging from whitish to creamy, reddish-brown, and occasionally slightly darker brown tone. This bird occurs in open scrubs and plains, avoiding dense forests and rarely observed over water. It is not as massive-looking as other eagles, and never seen in a vivid … Read more

Long-crested Eagle (Lophaetus occipitalis)

It is a large, bulky, darkish eagle, with a tall, flabby crest. This bird thrives in plantations, farmlands, woodlands, orchards, open forest, and forest edges. Prefers perching for extended periods but once in a while, soars. A prolonged, booming “kweeeeeyaa” characterizes its call. Read further to know more about the Long-crested Eagle. … Read more

Martial Eagle (Polemaetus bellicosus)

It is the largest and strongest African eagle, sporting a short crest. Either singly or in pairs, it thrives in plains, semi-deserts, and open lands, hunting for vertebrates using their incredibly keen eyesight that allows them to detect prey a few kilometers away. This has a unique hunting technique compared to its … Read more

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