Which wild animal is your spirit animal?

Spirit animals point to something that you have lost in your life or give you advice. Especially in difficult life situations, spiritual companions help find new strength and understand humans’ feelings.  Sometimes it seems to be forgotten that all people have a soul, an intuition they can trust. Not all people feel the need to reconnect with nature, life, or even with each other.

Find the connection with your spirit animal

It may be an unfamiliar type of conversation when it’s talked about connecting with the spirit animals, but it’s possible to receive important messages through it. In the modern world, it’s rarely paid attention to and humans have to start remembering again. Through the guidance of the spirit, you can achieve this. You can break down self-made barriers and practice spiritual knowledge in everyday life.

Spirit animals as guides

Spirit animals help not to always see things too rationally. They have the gift of giving messages that match what is truly needed. At the right time and in the right place, they guide humans. Spirit animals can also be understood as guardian angels. They show you the way and support you in difficult, uncertain times. With their help, you can learn to explore your life better and grow beyond yourself again. This is how to find the way to unfold your infinite potential.

Understand the messages of the spirit animals

Spirit animals are spiritual beings and can be companions for you. They are symbolic of a topic or organizing principle that you should remember. The messages of the spirit animals help to go beyond the limitations of the logical mind.

Where is your path leading you? What is the next step? Such messages lead you back to your natural gift of intuitive insight. All you need is just to approach it all with an open mind and a little curiosity.

You need guardian angels to support you and get you back on the right path. You can think of spirit animals like this. They accompany people to remind them of something and guide them throughout the whole life journey.

The message of a spirit animal takes humans beyond the limits of their logical mind, which is often very engaging. Each spirit animal is a symbol or metaphor that communicates something. There are hidden influences that work in life. Follow your spirit animal and recognize where your path leads and which step is the next for you to improve and to the highest good.

Why do you need to find a spirit animal?

Indigenous peoples from all over the world are convinced that the spirits of animals promise them protection, advice, and healing. In esotericism and shamanism spirit animals are considered animal spirits. They come from the shamanic tradition and are personal companions in a spiritual sense.

Animals play a particularly important role in shamanic culture, as they are believed to be living beings, just like humans. Spirit animals appear in animal form and have the task of protecting, accompanying, and giving people strength on their way.

Especially in difficult times, they are your soulmates who advise, strengthen and provide support. Spirit animal accompanies humans throughout their lives. Each animal has a different meaning and spiritual message. Those who can interpret the spirit of the soul animals learn a lot about themselves, their strengths, and their future.

How can you find your spirit animal?

Classically, spirit animals, just like zodiac signs, are determined based on the birth date. The following list will help you as a guide:

  • Otter​: January 20th to February 18th
  • Wolf: February 19 to March 20
  • Falcon​: March 21 to April 19
  • Beaver: April 20th to May 20th
  • ​Stag: May 21st to June 20th
  • Woodpecker: June 21 to July 22
  • Salmon​: July 23rd to August 22nd
  • Brown Bear: August 23rd to September 22nd
  • Raven: September 23 to October 23
  • Queue: October 24th to November 21st
  • ​Owl: November 22 to December 21
  • Goose: December 22 to January 19

Of course, there are many more spirit animals than shown here. Any animal you imagine can become your spirit animal. There are various ways to find your own.

This is how your soul animal can show itself in quiet moments, such as in meditation or a dream. Notice if you already feel a special connection to a particular one. The path to finding the individual spirit animal is enriching, as one deals with one’s own nature and values.

If such information is of interest to you, you can read on Nuwber about cat people and dog people. Are they different or are they the same? Having a pet already indicates a lot about a person and what their spirit animal might be.

What is the meaning of spirit animals?

After you have found your soul animal, you should deal intensively with the animal, its meaning, and the characteristics assigned to it. We will introduce you some of this information here:

  • Wolf: represents wisdom, leadership, and strength. But it also symbolizes the wild, unbridled and mystical.
  • Bear: is a symbol for healing, change, wisdom and shifts. The strength is to be found in serenity. The bear advises us to always act carefully and not make hasty decisions.
  • Falcon: remembers to enjoy the moment. Spontaneity and trusting intuition are important to him.
  • Goose: symbolizes loyalty, reliability, and confidence. To achieve its goals, it practices perseverance and patience.
  • Owl: stands for vigilance and the exhaustion of mental abilities. When making decisions, it listens to its inner voice and reason.
  • Fox adapts well to its environment and is considered a master of camouflage. It has a high spirit of observation and always uses its knowledge wisely.
  • Roe deer: relies on its instincts, is shy and open-hearted. Has a gentle nature and is not afraid to flee. Avoids disputes and hostilities.
  • Horse: symbolizes freedom and independence. It is by no means sluggish, but full of energy and always on the move.
  • Dog: stands for loyalty, protection, and security. It shows your zest for life openly. Loyalty and love are paramount.
  • Cat: is both adaptable and independent. It goes her way and lives out its uniqueness.

Your spirit animal reflects your needs, complements your character, and connects you with the spiritual world. It is a mirror of your soul, so to speak.

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